邢唷> ?]( / 0DArialNew RomanTT/軚 0軚"D媅SOalNew RomanTT/軚 0軚 DTimes New RomanTT/軚 0軚@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` 饒0g,      !"#$%&'()*+,- 0咥臕 3ffff@簱蚌蕷;斍蕷;g4YdYdd<魱 0nppp@  <4dddd 硏 0T0___PPT10 ___PPT9 *鳹   L Para 2. There is so much irritability around and it exacts a huge daily cost on our collective lives, so we deserve to get a lot more curious about it: what is really going on for the irritable person? Why, really, are they getting so agitated? And instead of blaming them for getting het up about  little things , we should do them the honor of working out why, in fact, these things may not be so minor after all.0ZC"!  There is so much irritability around and it exacts a huge daily cost on our collective lives, so we deserve to get a lot more curious about it: C CCCCCCG31C Collective adj. ;`剉 Z茤 b剉 茤SO剉 qQ T剉 茤SO@b gb蟸% 剉茤SO;NIN剉 :ON*N'` 闟/fwQqQ Tyr筽剉 g鉔h'`剉 a ~ man g*N'`剉篘 a ~ New YorkerxQ媁剉絶篘 HM' 3<6<  Cost n. 1. 鱊睌 鱊NL_U\  PjPPlPP 33*#33!32       ;`OX[(Wb霳骮亯c鶴|衏拺\剉婲臽 遊蓧0R剉Ut祏|:筽 陙:Nnx瀃臺{樠Sh垊v膵簨 FO/f`HN籗h埦弰va茓tSASRI儑s0 FO`HN籗h埦彙l g蟸菑駇`焣Q$J@@  1 3)We give cack-handed, mean speeches, which bear no faith in the legitimacy (even the nobility) of the act of imparting advice. H 5 Legitimacy 1. T誰'` ck邁'` 2. cknx'` Tt'` Nobility 1.貧5]貧 貧\ 2.貧\剉'`Nbk 剉Tt'`u髞梍SO'`剉趮ahQ鄀0 賬圢鷁畫剉>Nbk雓 NTtu髞 N梍SO0(+>7 x4 And when our partners are on the receiving end of these irritable  lessons , they of course swiftly grow defensive and brittle in the face of suggestions which seem more like mean-minded and senseless assaults on their very natures rather than caring, gentle attempts to address troublesome aspects of joint life.p= $ G$: (Defensive adj. 1.2枴_剉軴kS剉軴剉 2. 2枴_'`剉 2杒S(u剉3 2枅[剉 Brittle 1. f巟剉 N皒1\4x剉f_cOW剉 2 \)R剉 鱺'}剉 3 稱醡剉 N薙}Y剉N:N陙馷Sb梴剉4. ` NOO剉 f豐剉韜俧剉5 鵣 Nw崉v ful剉Oea剉 6. 葉 gN{k剉 N蟸EN剉 @Z[33         d S_b霳剉4OY嶯購汵%`亷剉瓔黐剉譙筫鰁 諲霳S_6qO藌sS豐梍2枴_|礲6R孴ul b楖[購汵鷁畫 b( 33! Assault 1. (fk汻b鉙4Y N剉);e鸔 瓐鸔 2. 媉 礝痳篘珟4. 決 睶鸔 亃鸔 猤鸔 Mean 1. QS憚v2 $\c(W齹汻筫b桸O剉s^竈剉 3 N蛻亯剉鱊l Power 1汻 汻蠎 2 齹汻,g啒 Mbzf 3 Cg汻?eCg 邁籰0WMO /eM0WMOCg縍 q_蚑汻X  *W3Z    )& F^霳齹軴c臽陗s^孴/f郪:Nf[u鵞嶯諲霳剉u;m gASR|HN'Y剉q_蚑汻0 *' 4 Fortunately, as not caring too much turns out to be a critical aspect of successful pedagogy.6`+$]+( 2Pedagogy 1. Yef[ Ye坈 Yef[錧\O 2. Yef[誰Ye瞼f[ Critical 1.9T踜Bl祏剉 1rcTR剉2 yb膵剉yb$R剉膵簨'`剉刄嶯膵簨剉3.膵簨禰霳剉 9hnc膵簨禰霳$R璭剉 4. $R璭b膵鱊 Na剉(%N剉 NN N邆剉 6. 砆歔'`剉 sQ.'`剉 蛻'Y剉 8.臺 N颯\剉'}: %`梽v d ZZ ZlZy33   -* As conj. 1 S_& 鰁(W& T鰁 2 錘& 剉筫_俌 T& 7h 3 螾& N7h 4 郪:N 1u嶯 5 }6q =\ 6 ck螾彇@w& 7 錘髞嶯 8 :N哊 錘縊 9 9hnc 10 }Y螾 N[O& PUP_ ,) >x^袕剉/f 郪:N NHNsQ胈tS/f|遺/fb烺Yef[臺 N颯\剉CQ }0$    0` 穢33櫃櫶` 枛S檉3檉` 櫶燙33痝` 搛枛嵠f` www3燙PP` ZXdbmo` \咭3緔`英` 3f3ff` 3f汶3F奒f皰` hk]www蜒悙灗蘤檐` ff>>\`Y{ff櫶` R>&- 呃寋p廮/檀尀>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> 瘊饞(  鶚  6鑲  `}  餖US鸔dkY憦蚹Hrh槝7h_  瘺  0瑓  `  饎8US鸔dkY憦蚹Hr噀,g7h_ ,{孨 ,{ N ,{踁 ,{擭  鸚  0魦 ^ `  餢*鷚  0鋻 ^   餤*鷚  0晹 ^ `  餤*餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.黧p6-O  貫緥!jg 0 癆0饎(  餖  0c  癆Para 1 Irritability is the tendency to get upset for reasons that seem  to other people  to be pretty minor. Typical English definition formula: term = class +characteristics Eg. Cloud computing refers to applications and services which are offered over the Internet from data centers all over the world. -N噀歔INxQ媁韹錝 /g韹 /f|c000剉+鍕婲ir,g(b^\'`剉 T蛬 慛梴/fcM^hQtT0W剉penc-N胈(W扤TQ N衏汷剉擽(u z廭孴 g0 f`莡|臽陗 /fO郪:NN汵(W諲篘 wegPT'`03fffff3fffl 3ff 3ff$ ' 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.T 蛇:  0 @皙(  餽  S 寏c `  c 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.Tpr;  0 n餱P瘙(  餽  S \髷@P  餖  <[  疣Exact F7孻[ vt. 1. "}諷:_BlZWc亯Bl from, of 絜燫 Y He can ~payment for the work. 諲颯錘"}諷l0 ~ a promise from sb. :_亯術篘笅鷭 ~obedience from \of sb. 歔亯術篘 g蜰 He had ~ed vengeance for his brother s murder. 諲騗:NDQ_剉珗砙哊荖0 2. 亯Bl 霃R 梺 Hard work ~s effort and patience. p傛傚]\O梺壀R汻孴胈0 [r%m 1.~ sth. from sb. to demand and get sth. from sb. 亯Bl "}諷 2. to make sth. bad happen to sb. 霃O :_霃 :_Bl He exacted(=took) a terrible revenge for their treatment on him. 諲郪譙諲霳剉P唴_ 踰燫 Y0x3;,3   0"  B餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.T`扶;  0 ` 皙(   餽  S 8漜  c 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.TZQ<  0 p$皙(  $餽 $ S 溻c `  c 餒 $ 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.Tp%=  0 (皙(  (餽 ( S 4鑓 ` c 餒 ( 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.T噦=$  0 饘,$(  ,餽 , S `髶  `}   餽 , S 勣  `  餒 , 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.鳩膵  0 0皙(  0餽 0 S 銫0   餒 0 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.S$  0 饘4$(  4餽 4 S 曰  `}   餽 4 S ,  `   餒 4 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.@Yp  0 8皙(  8餽 8 S 泄 @ `c    餒 8 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.ぜ  0 0(<鵠(  <饒 < S 銵   "P@08X餒 < 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.裏  0 @皙(  @餽 @ S dW `   餒 @ 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.饎W$  0 饘D$(  D餽 D S  `}   餽 D S  `  餒 D 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.   0 H皙(  H餽 H S 蘥` `   餒 H 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.`根  0 L皙(  L餽 L S 詙 `  餒 L 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.爐H  0  P皙(  P餽 P S Q 0  & 餒 P 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓0i$  0 饘0T$(  T餽 T S 嗖  `}  & 餽 T S 8緫  ` & 餒 T 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓i   0 @X皙(  X餽 X S 躤 pP  & 餒 X 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓@Q_  0 P\皙(  \餽 \ S xy   & 餒 \ 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓湯  0 ``皙(  `餽 ` S ,     & 餒 ` 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓犁$  0 饘pd$(  d餽 d S d蹜  `}  & 餽 d S 蘟  ` & 餒 d 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓饇F$  0 饘h$(  h餽 h S ▊`  `}  `  餽 h S xv`  ` `  餒 h 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓袓f  0 0(l鵠(  l饒 l S 浴` ` `  `  "  @餒 l 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓0鐮  0 p皙(  p餽 p S %` p `  `  餒 p 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓0   0 t皙(  t餽 t S ` 0  `  餒 t 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓 U  0 x皙(  x餽 x S x& `3  `  餒 x 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓繵‘$  0 饘|$(  |餽 | S  p& `}  `  餽 | S [& ` `  餒 | 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓2氘  0 皙(  餽  S `   `  餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓 dC$  0 饘$(  餽  S ## `}  # 餽  S ># ` # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓`F躤$  0 饘$(  餽  S L& `}  # 餽  S ,& ` # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓皛協  0 皙(  餽  S \&  # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓!鄁  0 0( 鵠(  饒  S # `  # "(餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓(1g$  0 饘0$(  餽  S x,`  `}  # 餽  S 渱& ` # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓@g  0 0(@鵠(  饒  S # `  # "p`Pp餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓翸8  0 P皙(  餽  S @# `3  # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓犞8  0 `皙(  餽  S 探`  ` # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓熊8  0 0(p鵠(  饒  S 葕`  ` `  "p`Pp餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓鉒9  0 皙(  餽  S 靈 @ `c  # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓@煕9  0 皙(  餽  S 蠻&P & 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓P岠9  0 0(鵠(  饒  S 吉& ` & "p`Pp餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10. 勓髒P  0 皙(  餽  S  `   餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10. 勓涁P  0 皙(  餽  S   3   餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10. 勓愗iT  0 皙(  餽  S 鑙`  ` `  餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10. 勓`TrG]g沶MpSxz穥i}Gs%韱焾藠}/釓 繐q#O{C鯙Y叅7c彧A 5a)鄹嵑U箍k-1盷( / 0DArialNew RomanTT/軚 0軚"D媅SOalNew RomanTT/軚 0軚 DTimes New RomanTT/軚 0軚@ .  @n?" dd@鄥燆鵒h珣+'遲0 px    (PowerPoint Presentation 雨林木風7Microsoft PowerPoint@慂毱'@@@`$=勓 Gxg  4g  y--$xx--'@"Arial-. 2 Para 1 ."System;-@"Arial-. g2 @Irritability is the tendency to get upset for reasons that seem .-@"Arial-.  2 q杫.-@"Arial-. 2 tto other people .-@"Arial-.  2 杫.-@"Arial-.  2 to .-@"Arial-. 2 be pretty minor..-@"Arial-. =2 $$Typical English definition formula: .-@"Arial-. 32 )term .-@"Arial-. ff 2 )= .-@"Arial-. 2 )class .-@"Arial-.  2 )$+y.-@"Arial-. 2 )&characteristics.-@"Arial-.  2 -Eg.-@"Arial-.  2 - . .-@"Arial-. 32 -Cloud computing.-@"Arial-. ff2 --refers.-@"Arial-. f 2 -8to.-@"Arial-. -2 -<applications and services.-@"Arial-. *2 -jwhich are offered over .-@"Arial-. 42 2,the Internet from data centers.-@"Arial-. $2 2ball over the world.v.-宋體-. 2 <中文定義典型語句.-宋體-. 32 A(術語).-宋體-. ff 2 A是.-@"Arial-. ff 2 A|y.-宋體-. ff 2 A指.-宋體-. 2 A 。。🆓🪢。的.-@"Arial-.  2 A1+y.-宋體-.  2 A3(.-宋體-. (2 A7該事物本質或屬性的名詞.-宋體-.  2 Ad).-宋體-. 32 J雲計算.-宋體-. ff 2 J是指.-宋體-. @2 J&遍布全球各地的數據中心在互聯網上提供的.-宋體-. 2 Jg應用程序和服務.-宋體-.  2 J。.-宋體-. 2 T易怒(症.-@"Arial-.  2 T|y.-宋體-.  2 T情緒.-宋體-. a2 T!<)是會因為一些在他人看來似乎微不足道小事而苦惱的(情緒)趨勢.-@"Arial-.  2 T|y.-宋體-. 2 Y傾向性。.-.  @n?" dd@  @@`` 饒0e,      !"#$%&'()*+,- 0咥臕 3ffff@簱蚌蕷;斍蕷;g4YdYdd<魱 0nppp@  <4dddd 硏 0T0___PPT10 ___PPT9 *jW   L Para 2. There is so much irritability around and it exacts a huge daily cost on our collective lives, so we deserve to get a lot more curious about it: what is really going on for the irritable person? Why, really, are they getting so agitated? And instead of blaming them for getting het up about  little things , we should do them the honor of working out why, in fact, these things may not be so minor after all.0ZC"!  There is so much irritability around and it exacts a huge daily cost on our collective lives, so we deserve to get a lot more curious about it: C CCCCCCG31C Collective adj. ;`剉 Z茤 b剉 茤SO剉 qQ T剉 茤SO@b gb蟸% 剉茤SO;NIN剉 :ON*N'` 闟/fwQqQ Tyr筽剉 g鉔h'`剉 a ~ man g*N'`剉篘 a ~ New YorkerxQ媁剉絶篘 HM' 3<6<  Cost n. 1. 鱊睌 鱊?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`acdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz{|}~qRoot Entry崄d汷嗞)Pi.=勓Current User8SummaryInformation(bPowerPoint Document(~DocumentSummaryInformation8  @@`` 饒0e,      !"#$%&'()*+,- 0咥臕 3ffff@簱蚌蕷;斍蕷;g4YdYdd<魱 0nppp@  <4dddd 硏 0T0___PPT10 ___PPT9 *jW   L Para 2. There is so much irritability around and it exacts a huge daily cost on our collective lives, so we deserve to get a lot more curious about it: what is really going on for the irritable person? Why, really, are they getting so agitated? And instead of blaming them for getting het up about  little things , we should do them the honor of working out why, in fact, these things may not be so minor after all.0ZC"!  There is so much irritability around and it exacts a huge daily cost on our collective lives, so we deserve to get a lot more curious about it: C CCCCCCG31C Collective adj. ;`剉 Z茤 b剉 茤SO剉 qQ T剉 茤SO@b gb蟸% 剉茤SO;NIN剉 :ON*N'` 闟/fwQqQ Tyr筽剉 g鉔h'`剉 a ~ man g*N'`剉篘 a ~ New YorkerxQ媁剉絶篘 HM' 3<6<  Cost n. 1. 鱊睌 鱊NL_U\  PjPPlPP 33*#33!32       ;`OX[(Wb霳骮亯c鶴|衏拺\剉婲臽 遊蓧0R剉Ut祏|:筽 陙:Nnx瀃臺{樠Sh垊v膵簨 FO/f`HN籗h埦弰va茓tSASRI儑s0 FO`HN籗h埦彙l g蟸菑駇`焣QJJ@  1 3)We give cack-handed, mean speeches, which bear no faith in the legitimacy (even the nobility) of the act of imparting advice. H 5 Legitimacy 1. T誰'` ck邁'` 2. cknx'` Tt'` Nobility 1.貧5]貧 貧\ 2.貧\剉'`Nbk 剉Tt'`u髞梍SO'`剉趮ahQ鄀0 賬圢鷁畫剉>Nbk雓 NTtu髞 N梍SO0*+>7 x4 And when our partners are on the receiving end of these irritable  lessons , they of course swiftly grow defensive and brittle in the face of suggestions which seem more like mean-minded and senseless assaults on their very natures rather than caring, gentle attempts to address troublesome aspects of joint life.p= $ G$: (Defensive adj. 1.2枴_剉軴kS剉軴剉 2. 2枴_'`剉 2杒S(u剉3 2枅[剉 Brittle 1. f巟剉 N皒1\4x剉f_cOW剉 2 \)R剉 鱺'}剉 3 稱醡剉 N薙}Y剉N:N陙馷Sb梴剉4. ` NOO剉 f豐剉韜俧剉5 鵣 Nw崉v ful剉Oea剉 6. 葉 gN{k剉 N蟸EN剉 FZ[33         d S_b霳剉4OY嶯購汵%`亷剉瓔黐剉譙筫鰁 諲霳S_6qO藌sS豐梍2枴_|礲6R孴ul b楖[購汵鷁畫 n( 33! Assault 1. (fk汻b鉙4Y N剉);e鸔 瓐鸔 2. 媉 礝痳篘珟4. 決 睶鸔 亃鸔 猤鸔 Mean 1. QS憚v2 $\c(W齹汻筫b桸O剉s^竈剉 3 N蛻亯剉鱊 Ye^胈陗G昚梶s^孴剉MR衏|HQ砆ag鯪/f鵞Xb%N&T剉稱 o0 .$! 2 One naturally wants for things to go well, but if an obdurate pupil flunks trigonometry, it is  at base  their problem. $z%" Obdurate a. 1. }橔V剉 }橔V NS剉 2. 稱w戉e臽剉 3 gb譩剉 P:_剉 4. ZWlx剉br鶹剉 Flunk 1O N蔛l Power 1汻 汻蠎 2 齹汻,g啒 Mbzf 3 Cg汻?eCg 邁籰0WMO /eM0WMOCg縍 q_蚑汻Z  *W3Z    )& F^霳齹軴c臽陗s^孴/f郪:Nf[u鵞嶯諲霳剉u;m gASR|HN'Y剉q_蚑汻0 *' 4 Fortunately, as not caring too much turns out to be a critical aspect of successful pedagogy.(`&+$]+( 2Pedagogy 1. Yef[ Ye坈 Yef[錧\O 2. Yef[誰Ye瞼f[ Critical 1.9T踜Bl祏剉 1rcTR剉2 yb膵剉yb$R剉膵簨'`剉刄嶯膵簨剉3.膵簨禰霳剉 9hnc膵簨禰霳$R璭剉 4. $R璭b膵鱊 Na剉(%N剉 NN N邆剉 6. 砆歔'`剉 sQ.'`剉 蛻'Y剉 8.臺 N颯\剉'}: %`梽v n ZZ ZlZy33   -* As conj. 1 S_& 鰁(W& T鰁 2 錘& 剉筫_俌 T& 7h 3 螾& N7h 4 郪:N 1u嶯 5 }6q =\ 6 ck螾彇@w& 7 錘髞嶯 8 :N哊 錘縊 9 9hnc 10 }Y螾 N[O& PUP_ ,) >x^袕剉/f 郪:N NHNsQ胈tS/f|遺/fb烺Yef[臺 N颯\剉CQ }0(   0 ,皙(  ,餽 , S 勣  `   餒 , 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.鳩膵  0 4皙(  4餽 4 S ,  `   餒 4 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.@Yp$  0 饘D$(  D餽 D S  `}   餽 D S  `  餒 D 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.   0  P皙(  P餽 P S Q 0  & 餒 P 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓0i$  0 饘0T$(  T餽 T S 嗖  `}  & 餽 T S 8緫  ` & 餒 T 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓i $  0 饘pd$(  d餽 d S d蹜  `}  & 餽 d S 蘟  ` & 餒 d 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓饇F  0 p皙(  p餽 p S %` p `  `  餒 p 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓0   0 x皙(  x餽 x S x& `3  `  餒 x 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓繵‘$  0 饘|$(  |餽 | S  p& `}  `  餽 | S [& ` `  餒 | 0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓2氘$  0 饘$(  餽  S ## `}  # 餽  S ># ` # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓`F躤$  0 饘$(  餽  S L& `}  # 餽  S ,& ` # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓皛協$  0 饘0$(  餽  S x,`  `}  # 餽  S 渱& ` # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓@g  0 P皙(  餽  S @# `3  # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓犞8  0 `皙(  餽  S 探`  ` # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓熊8  0 皙(  餽  S 靈 @ `c  # 餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10.勓@煕9  0 0(鵠(  饒  S 吉& ` & "p`Pp餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10. 勓髒P  0 皙(  餽  S  `   餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10. 勓涁P  0 皙(  餽  S 鑙`  ` `  餒  0師藿h ? 穢33櫃櫶80___PPT10. 勓`TrO   !l# %J'v)+ T-/ 21^3#5% 7h9(;*0<>F@)+鳤-1盷( / 0DArialNew RomanTT/軚 0軚"D媅SOalNew RomanTT/軚 0軚 DTimes New RomanTT/軚 0軚@  脹諟.摋+,D脹諟.摋+,@    在屏幕上顯示~+' /Arial宋體Times New Roman 默認設計模板 幻燈片 1 幻燈片 2 幻燈片 3 幻燈片 4 幻燈片 5 幻燈片 6 幻燈片 7 幻燈片 8 幻燈片 9 幻燈片 10 幻燈片 11 幻燈片 12 幻燈片 13 幻燈片 14 幻燈片 15 幻燈片 16 幻燈片 17 幻燈片 18 幻燈片 19 幻燈片 20 幻燈片 21 幻燈片 22 幻燈片 23 幻燈片 24 幻燈片 25 幻燈片 26 幻燈片 27 幻燈片 28 幻燈片 29 幻燈片 30 幻燈片 31 幻燈片 32 幻燈片 33 幻燈片 34 幻燈片 35 幻燈片 36 幻燈片 37 幻燈片 38 幻燈片 39 幻燈片 40 幻燈片 41 幻燈片 42 幻燈片 43  已用的字體演示文稿設計模板 幻燈片標題+D 4<Version _缿鉠雨林木風钖梘(g螛a 3 1) The journey begins by recognizing the role of fear in irritability in couples. Journey 1.(YcF N剉)舉L L z f弳(W膲歔鰁魰蔛鶹歔縹飴 N 剉L坴 2. N)YL z 3. 哠 z 菑 z 蹚 z 4$\c(Wdqw NO(u剉 wfRf Recognize 1.鶴茓+R茓 2. bnx颯 3.f}v 茓0R Fear 1. 砙` P`鏯 2. P`鏯剉烻郪 銷篘P`鏯剉婲irqSi Cancer is a common fear. Lv莡/f篘霳龕鏯`剉緐舥0PS^P$PPIPSC. 3  3 3Ig       x.^㏑諲霳蜰茓0R|f}vP`鏯(W+Y籝KN魰f`-N裇%c剉\O(u_薡0 .^㏑諲霳剉菑 z_薡嶯f}vP`鏯(W+Y籝f`臽陗-NnboUO蛓覊r0==4 2 Behind most outbursts are cack-handed attempts to teach the other person something. Outburst 1. 臽a 汻蠎I{剉r裇 鴱裇 2. kpq\剉稶裇*Y3栄濸[I{剉'Yr裇 3. 磃qN Cack-handed 1.(駛鉙) , 鎉嘾P[剉 2. ({賐剉 N陙6q剉 Teach 1. Ye 矉坈 2. 瓔脋 O`N颼嶯 3. Ye黐Ye瞼 4. 鉙 Ye瓔 JT雼& N亯 bP-PPPP1PSC 3= 333c     'YYpe臽ar裇剉虁T/f({賐\賐魦Ye鵞筫剉\諎0 +Y籝$a`臽陗r裇剉Ype臽礠虁T/f\悥蠀@w賐剉魦Ye\Ye黐\JT雼鵞筫剉蛓蛓\T蛓\諎0EEd  N3)There are things we d like to point out, flaws that we can discern, remarks we feel we really must make, but our awareness of how to proceed is panicked and hasty. J=O  Flaw n. 1.聢櫀 聢聢誹 2. :筽 Ut祏 Discern v. 1. w鶴蓧遊鶴 2. 茓 哊銐 3. 茓+R :S+R鶴 Remark n. 1. 姙 輯韹尯膵簨 2. 鑜a 遊蓧 PP P%P PP 3  3'3     Panic a. 1. 1uP`La_w崉vP`La剉郪P`La 菑嶯S賍剉 LaqN剉 2.P`鏯 騰顅睶≧_w崉v 雓鄀t1u剉乬剉 3. 擽%`剉 (W'}%`臽礠 NO(u剉 Panicked, panicking vi. a0R蔪La蔪La1Y猚 Hasty 1. %`悇vS賍剉覰肙孾b剉 2. I儑s剉 {弴s剉 3. '`%`剉 %`亷f`剉f纎≧剉 4. ≧`b纎≧ 鰁@b魦bZP 剉 N鎝剉 ~ words N`KN N剉l輯 5. %`R剉 6. 艔wc剉 Proceed 蹚L>NL_U\  PjPPlPP 33*#33!32       ;`OX[(Wb霳骮亯c鶴|衏拺\剉婲臽 遊蓧0R剉Ut祏|:筽 陙:Nnx瀃臺{樠Sh垊v膵簨 FO/f`HN籗h埦弰va茓tSASRI儑s0 FO`HN籗h埦彙l g蟸菑駇`焣QJJ@  1 3)We give cack-handed, mean speeches, which bear no faith in the legitimacy (even the nobility) of the act of imparting advice. H 5 Legitimacy 1. T誰'` ck邁'` 2. cknx'` Tt'` Nobility 1.貧5]貧 貧\ 2.貧\剉'`Nbk 剉Tt'`u髞梍SO'`剉趮ahQ鄀0 賬圢鷁畫剉>Nbk雓 NTtu髞 N梍SO0*+>7 x4 And when our partners are on the receiving end of these irritable  lessons , they of course swiftly grow defensive and brittle in the face of suggestions which seem more like mean-minded and senseless assaults on their very natures rather than caring, gentle attempts to address troublesome aspects of joint life.p= $ G$: (Defensive adj. 1.2枴_剉軴kS剉軴剉 2. 2枴_'`剉 2杒S(u剉3 2枅[剉 Brittle 1. f巟剉 N皒1\4x剉f_cOW剉 2 \)R剉 鱺'}剉 3 稱醡剉 N薙}Y剉N:N陙馷Sb梴剉4. ` NOO剉 f豐剉韜俧剉5 鵣 Nw崉v ful剉Oea剉 6. 葉 gN{k剉 N蟸EN剉 FZ[33         d S_b霳剉4OY嶯購汵%`亷剉瓔黐剉譙筫鰁 諲霳S_6qO藌sS豐梍2枴_|礲6R孴ul b楖[購汵鷁畫 n( 33! Assault 1. (fk汻b鉙4Y N剉);e鸔 瓐鸔 2. 媉 礝痳篘珟4. 決 睶鸔 亃鸔 猤鸔 Mean 1. QS憚v2 $\c(W齹汻筫b桸O剉s^竈剉 3 N蛻亯剉鱊 Ye^胈陗G昚梶s^孴剉MR衏|HQ砆ag鯪/f鵞Xb%N&T剉稱 o0 .$! 2 One naturally wants for things to go well, but if an obdurate pupil flunks trigonometry, it is  at base  their problem. $z%" Obdurate a. 1. }橔V剉 }橔V NS剉 2. 稱w戉e臽剉 3 gb譩剉 P:_剉 4. ZWlx剉br鶹剉 Flunk 1O N蔛l Power 1汻 汻蠎 2 齹汻,g啒 Mbzf 3 Cg汻?eCg 邁籰0WMO /eM0WMOCg縍 q_蚑汻Z  *W3Z    )& F^霳齹軴c臽陗s^孴/f郪:Nf[u鵞嶯諲霳剉u;m gASR|HN'Y剉q_蚑汻0 *' 4 Fortunately, as not caring too much turns out to be a critical aspect of successful pedagogy.(`&+$]+( 2Pedagogy 1. Yef[ Ye坈 Yef[錧\O 2. Yef[誰Ye瞼f[ Critical 1.9T踜Bl祏剉 1rcTR剉2 yb膵剉yb$R剉膵簨'`剉刄嶯膵簨剉3.膵簨禰霳剉 9hnc膵簨禰霳$R璭剉 4. $R璭b膵鱊 Na剉(%N剉 NN N邆剉 6. 砆歔'`剉 sQ.'`剉 蛻'Y剉 8.臺 N颯\剉'}: %`梽v n ZZ ZlZy33   -* As conj. 1 S_& 鰁(W& T鰁 2 錘& 剉筫_俌 T& 7h 3 螾& N7h 4 郪:N 1u嶯 5 }6q =\ 6 ck螾彇@w& 7 錘髞嶯 8 :N哊 錘縊 9 9hnc 10 }Y螾 N[O& PUP_ ,) >x^袕剉/f 郪:N NHNsQ胈tS/f|遺/fb烺Yef[臺 N颯\剉CQ }0( r)B]-1盷( / 0DArialNew RomanTT/軚 0軚"D媅SOalNew RomanTT/軚 0軚 DTimes New RomanTT/軚 0軚@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` 饒0e,      !"#$%&'()*+,- 0咥臕 3ffff@簱蚌蕷;斍蕷;g4YdYdd<魱 0nppp@  <4dddd 硏 0T0___PPT10 ___PPT9 *jW   L Para 2. There is so much irritability around and it exacts a huge daily cost on our collective lives, so we deserve to get a lot more curious about it: what is really going on for the irritable person? Why, really, are they getting so agitated? And instead of blaming them for getting het up about  little things , we should do them the honor of working out why, in fact, these things may not be so minor after all.0ZC"!  There is so much irritability around and it exacts a huge daily cost on our collective lives, so we deserve to get a lot more curious about it: C CCCCCCG31C Collective adj. ;`剉 Z茤 b剉 茤SO剉 qQ T剉 茤SO@b gb蟸% 剉茤SO;NIN剉 :ON*N'` 闟/fwQqQ Tyr筽剉 g鉔h'`剉 a ~ man g*N'`剉篘 a ~ New YorkerxQ媁剉絶篘 HM' 3<6<  Cost n. 1. 鱊睌 鱊NL_U\  PjPPlPP 33*#33!32       ;`OX[(Wb霳骮亯c鶴|衏拺\剉婲臽 遊蓧0R剉Ut祏|:筽 陙:Nnx瀃臺{樠Sh垊v膵簨 FO/f`HN籗h埦弰va茓tSASRI儑s0 FO`HN籗h埦彙l g蟸菑駇`焣QJJ@  1 3)We give cack-handed, mean speeches, which bear no faith in the legitimacy (even the nobility) of the act of imparting advice. H 5 Legitimacy 1. T誰'` ck邁'` 2. cknx'` Tt'` Nobility 1.貧5]貧 貧\ 2.貧\剉'`Nbk 剉Tt'`u髞梍SO'`剉趮ahQ鄀0 賬圢鷁畫剉>Nbk雓 NTtu髞 N梍SO0*+>7 x4 And when our partners are on the receiving end of these irritable  lessons , they of course swiftly grow defensive and brittle in the face of suggestions which seem more like mean-minded and senseless assaults on their very natures rather than caring, gentle attempts to address troublesome aspects of joint life.p= $ G$: (Defensive adj. 1.2枴_剉軴kS剉軴剉 2. 2枴_'`剉 2杒S(u剉3 2枅[剉 Brittle 1. f巟剉 N皒1\4x剉f_cOW剉 2 \)R剉 鱺'}剉 3 稱醡剉 N薙}Y剉N:N陙馷Sb梴剉4. ` NOO剉 f豐剉韜俧剉5 鵣 Nw崉v ful剉Oea剉 6. 葉 gN{k剉 N蟸EN剉 FZ[33         d S_b霳剉4OY嶯購汵%`亷剉瓔黐剉譙筫鰁 諲霳S_6qO藌sS豐梍2枴_|礲6R孴ul b楖[購汵鷁畫 n( 33! Assault 1. (fk汻b鉙4Y N剉);e鸔 瓐鸔 2. 媉 礝痳篘珟4. 決 睶鸔 亃鸔 猤鸔 Mean 1. QS憚v2 $\c(W齹汻筫b桸O剉s^竈剉 3 N蛻亯剉鱊 Ye^胈陗G昚梶s^孴剉MR衏|HQ砆ag鯪/f鵞Xb%N&T剉稱 o0 .$! 2 One naturally wants for things to go well, but if an obdurate pupil flunks trigonometry, it is  at base  their problem. $z%" Obdurate a. 1. }橔V剉 }橔V NS剉 2. 稱w戉e臽剉 3 gb譩剉 P:_剉 4. ZWlx剉br鶹剉 Flunk 1O N蔛l Power 1汻 汻蠎 2 齹汻,g啒 Mbzf 3 Cg汻?eCg 邁籰0WMO /eM0WMOCg縍 q_蚑汻Z  *W3Z    )& F^霳齹軴c臽陗s^孴/f郪:Nf[u鵞嶯諲霳剉u;m gASR|HN'Y剉q_蚑汻0 *' 4 Fortunately, as not caring too much turns out to be a critical aspect of successful pedagogy.(`&+$]+( 2Pedagogy 1. Yef[ Ye坈 Yef[錧\O 2. Yef[誰Ye瞼f[ Critical 1.9T踜Bl祏剉 1rcTR剉2 yb膵剉yb$R剉膵簨'`剉刄嶯膵簨剉3.膵簨禰霳剉 9hnc膵簨禰霳$R璭剉 4. $R璭b膵鱊 Na剉(%N剉 NN N邆剉 6. 砆歔'`剉 sQ.'`剉 蛻'Y剉 8.臺 N颯\剉'}: %`梽v n ZZ ZlZy33   -* As conj. 1 S_& 鰁(W& T鰁 2 錘& 剉筫_俌 T& 7h 3 螾& N7h 4 郪:N 1u嶯 5 }6q =\ 6 ck螾彇@w& 7 錘髞嶯 8 :N哊 錘縊 9 9hnc 10 }Y螾 N[O& PUP_ ,) >x^袕剉/f 郪:N NHNsQ胈tS/f|遺/fb烺Yef[臺 N颯\剉CQ }0( r憼)mJ-1